

A Message from the Nominating Committee

  Dear Members, We are charged with providing a slate of candidates for election to the MCRRC Board of Directors and we need YOUR help. What is the best way to help us and MCRRC? Read the rest of this…

Registration for the 2019 Pike’s Peek 10K is OPEN!

Baby, it’s COLD OUTSIDE! We can’t do much about that unfortunately…  But we CAN give you the warm fuzzies on the inside with some exciting news to make your training during these cold winter months worth it! Registration for the 2019 Pike’s Peek 10K is OPEN!…

Train with us this winter!

Are you ready to commit to training through the winter months with your new friends & accountabili-buddies? You’ll need them to get you out of bed on those cold winter mornings & to stay on track with your goals! Trust…

Join the 5K Run/Walk Program Today!

Are you looking to walk your way to improved health and fitness, begin running for the first time or run a faster 5K? If so, look no farther than our Summer/Fall 5K Walk/Run Training Program! Because the programs conducts its…

Riley’s Rumble Thanks You!

Thank you to all the volunteers & runners – another great Riley’s Rumble is in the books (and the weather was great, too!). We hope you all had a wonderful time & we thank you for coming out. Be sure…