Montgomery County Road Runners Club

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting of June 3, 2004


Called to order:7:00 pm

Present: Jean Arthur, Marty Horan, Gary Resnick, Craig Roodenburg, Cathy Blessing, Janet Newburgh, Jim Rich

Invited Guests: Frank Pierce, Kimberly Thorpe

Minutes Prepared By:  Gary Resnick, Secretary 

  1. Review Agenda
    1. Remove #7 h, i, j
    2. Addition to 7 f (AARC Meeting Summary)
    3. Add Pike's Peak Report #6 d
      1. Marty suggested that, based on Dennis Steinhauer’s e-mail recommendation, future agenda items need a short description of the nature of the item (one line), along with an estimate of the amount of time. Board unanimously agreed.
  1. Review Current MCRRC Calendar
    1. June 20 Volunteer Picnic, Board members should be there at 12:30
    2. June 6 Capital Crescent Trail
    3. June 19 Run for the Roses
    4. June 20 Burning Tree Race
  1. Minutes of the previous board meeting
    1. Review motions passed at previous board meeting
      1. motions were read and accepted as is
    2. Issues Raised with Previous Minutes
      1. Regarding the policy on financial contributions, item 4d, did we define impact as it applies to the statement in the minutes: " suggestion: revised “that the club should give to organizations where there is an impact" to add “impact that promotes running in the community”
      2. Item D (club clothing): statements attributed to Lyman Jordan should be identified
      3. Item 2 - f   (equipment truck): add “weight is an issue due to handling of truck by volunteers”
      4. Item H. 1. b) (Halloween Young Run finances): add “errors included errors in the deposit slips, money incurred for the run that was not deducted from the race”
      5. suggestion: to send out revised minutes prior to next meeting
      6. MOTION: Minutes approved with changes, motion was withdrawn pending new version to be sent to Board members


  1. Business involving invited guests
    1. MCRRC Book
      1. Frank Pierce brought copies of the book and wanted to discuss ways of marketing the book
      2. Frank said it is hard to get the book reviewed, he contacted editor of Running Times who was not able to review the book (he gets too many books to review)
      3. There will be an article/review in the July Rundown by Meredith Rainey Valmon.
      4. Frank suggested we focus on the membership
      5. Board members suggested a number of ways including adding flyers to race packets, making books door prizes at races, having a table at large races
      6. Frank will look into finding someone to organize book sales at races
      7. Frank indicated that a booth at Marine Corps Marathon would be costly, although if there was a more general booth promoting the club the costs could be spread around
      8. Suggestion made was to discuss the possibility of a club booth at MCM as part of discussion about public relations for the club, advertising the club's larger races
      9. ACTION ITEM: Jean will talk with Irv Newman who will talk with Rick Nealis about a booth
      10. ACTION ITEM: Marty will talk with Richard Stukey about incorporating a booth into the club PR plan (not just the book but also advertising club races and activities)
      11. MOTION: Purchase 50 copies of the book from the printer for Frank to store and have available for selling books at events, Marty moved, Jim seconded, unanimous
    2. Halloween Young Run
      1. Kimberly Thorpe discussed the run, especially sponsorship: we have a new sponsor, DARCARS Volvo, same sponsor as for Pike's Peek
      2. She said she will have to spend more time for advertising due to school policies restricting backpack mail, now will have online registration, running an ad in the Rockville recreation guide
      3. Kimberly said she was contacted by the MCM re: their kid's run, how we reach kids, wanted to work with Halloween Young Run and wanted to hear Board's opinion
      4. Kimberly estimates that she may have as many as 2500 children for the next race
      5. Question arose as to links with other races, whether this is the same as links with commercial groups whereby there are not direct links on the club's main web site, but rather links to other races are on separate sites
      6. Board recommends not having a race link to the club web site, to maintain the general advertising policy, but that in general we should encourage cooperation with other races
      7. Accounting: There is now a separate account for HYR, with a report added to the Treasurer's Report
  1. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Account Detail (as of May 31)
      1. Checking $17, 791.87
      2. Savings $15,546.28
      3. Savings - Clubhouse $3,448.16
      4. Merrill Lynch $31,211.31
      5. Total Bank Accounts $67,997.62
    2. Marathon in the Parks $16,054.82
    3. Pikes Peek $36,471.86
    4. May Financial Information:
      1. The May financial statements indicate net income of $731.71.
      2. Significant income was received from:
        • First Time Marathoner's, $2,800.00
        • Pike's Peek cones $2,000.00
        • RMS $4,227.78
        • Mailing list rental for Pike's Peek $1,501.68
      3. Significant expenses included:
        • Rundown $5,754.94
        • KOTR $1,935.22
        • Tax preparation $1,327.50
        • Community outreach $536.00
        • Running Book (costs associated with producing it) $599.74
    5. Audit
      1. Requested a quote for the audit but has not received response to date
    6. Old Financial Action Items
      1. We need a signed copy of last month's meeting minutes indicating John Sissala's credit limit can be increased; ACTION ITEM: Gary will send signed minutes from May meeting to Christina
      2. Comparing budget to current accounting to ensure proper recording. Christina will change Quickbooks to reflect the approved budget on the website
      3. Christina has not yet addressed action item of how postage is accounted for in our prepaid postage account
    7. Internet Banking Status
      1. No progress made, other than there are several vendors where checks over $100 need a second signature from Board, would need to override this requirement
      2. The other problem is that, with Internet Banking, there is not a second set of eyes looking at the checks and signing off
  1. Apportionment / Committee Reports
    1. Picnic
      1. Jean discussed June 20 picnic
      2. Food will be delivered , we will determine a budget
      3. Gary will be game MC
      4. Janet will buy extra supplies/food
      5. Jim will be in charge of getting the ice
      6. Jean will look into whether a van rental used for races that weekend can be used for the picnic; Craig volunteered to drive the truck, Gary will assist
      7. All board members should be available to help setup
      8. We need to make sure the moon bounce is properly supervised, and also to coordinate with the moon bounce guy
    2. Awards Dinner
      1. Cathy sent out an email indicating we need to decide about the format
      2. Issues: cost of the awards dinner and also the timing being close to the Holiday Party
      3. Craig suggested an "awards cocktail party" format, whereby it is a party with music, punctuated with award presentations, but without seating arrangements or long speeches
      4. The issue arose as to who will champion the Awards dinner
      5. ACTION ITEM: Christina will talk with a subgroup of the Tuesday-Thursday running group about coordinating the Awards Dinner
    3. 2005 Calendar
      1. Jean wanted Board members to suggest items that should be put on the Calendar, as well as items that should be deleted
      2. Consider races for next year
      3. ACTION ITEM: Suggest items to be put on Calendar, and to discuss any changes in club races with George
    4. Pike's Peek
      1. Jean announced that we will be getting a $10,000 distribution from Pike's Peek (this is more than what was budgeted)
  1. Unfinished Business
    1. Website Name Change
      1. Jean investigated changing domain name to MCRUN; the advice she received was that it was not in our interest to change it, due to all the links to our site, and issues of branding. We should not make MCRUN the primary domain, keep MCRRC as the primary domain and register MCRUN as a secondary directing to MCRRC
      2. MOTION: that we add MCRUN.ORG and MCRUN.COM as domain names with directed links to MCRRC.ORG, Craig moved, Marty seconded, unanimous
    2. Fundraising section of website
      1. No new information yet
    3. Clydesdale/Athena Runners
      1. Craig presented a proposal that, rather than create a distinct race division, the club establish a “Clydesdale/Athena Runner of the Year” award. Eligibility would be determined at the start of the year through registration at the Awards party for runners wishing to be considered in this division
      2. Advantage is that it is becoming a popular division, and it would be an additional draw for the Awards party/dinner
      3. The administration of the division would be done by a committee, using some sort of proof of weight
      4. Craig also emphasized that there should not be a division for the championship series, but rather to encourage race directors to offer this division to specific (larger) races
      5. ACTION ITEM: Craig will approach Lyman about having a division in Pike's Peek, to try it out
    4. Handicap race for 2005
      1. Use of age graded tables to handicap runners based on their ages and genders
      2. ACTION ITEM: Craig will talk with George about selecting a race (either existing or new) to be made into a handicap race
    5. Apportionment Positions
      1. This is a complex topic as it requires involvement on the Board members' part, not just liaison role
      2. There is also an issue as to whether these are the categories we want: list had some modifications
      3. ACTION ITEM: Board members to send comments to Craig about categories (this is a continuation of previous Board meeting)
    6. AARC Meeting Summary
      1. Craig attended second annual business meeting in Philadelphia, AARC voted to accept an agreement with RRCA setting performance milestones and deadlines for RRCA. If these goals and deadlines are met, then AARC will vote to dissolve and fold its funds into RRCA. We need to anticipate that the club's administrative fees paid to the umbrella organization (currently AARC) will increase from $0.80 to over $2.00. Issue of what constitutes a member was resolved in an earlier business meeting, members overruled board and return allotment to definition of membership according to household
    7. Middle School Track Challenge
      1. Marty discussed his attendance at the event, was impressed with it and with the large number of parents and fans who attended.
      2. Marty had a brief discussion with race director and offered to post the results, and these were posted online at RunWashington and on our web site, would like to build on our relationship with them to see how we can complement their efforts to improve the event, such as posting results but also potentially helping with equipment
      3. ACTION ITEM: Marty will investigate ways of working with this event in the future
      4. MOTION: Officially authorize posting race results from the 2005 Middle School Track Challenge, Marty moved, Bill seconded, unanimous.
      5. ACTION ITEM: Put on agenda for next month what constitutes club sponsorship
  1. New Business
    1. Suggested Board Improvements in Handling Club Business
      1. MOTION: Wording in “Club Business” on website should be changed to say "posted minutes are last approved minutes" (or something to that effect) instead of "minutes from the last meeting". Gary moved, Jean seconded, unanimous
      2. ACTION ITEM: Gary will give new language to web person and will sign minutes of meetings
    2. Equipment Needs
      1. Janet sent out email about needs and received several items:
        • repair of clocks
        • a new sound system
        • scaffolding for finish line (Janet will check with Lyman)
        • more vests for course marshals (and a system in place to ensure their return)
      2. ACTION ITEM: Janet will check on a new sound system
      3. ACTION ITEM: Janet will check with Lyman and the city regarding lightweight scaffolding for finish line
      4. ACTION ITEM: Jean will investigate purchasing of additional vests
      5. ACTION ITEM: Janet will look into repair of clocks
    3. American Running Association Gala
      1. Marty gave a report on the 2nd annual ARA gala event. Several club and Board members attended the gala; everyone who attended was impressed with the event
      2. Club members were invited because a member of MCRRC generously donated money to the event
      3. Marty mentioned that the Secretary of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services had talked about HHS's new Small Steps Program.  ACTION ITEM: Jim Rich will follow up on the possibility of our assisting in this program.
      4. ACTION ITEM: Marty will investigate following up with ARA on opportunities to work with them
      5. MOTION: Board recognize our 2004 Volunteer of the Year award winner and guest with tickets to the 2005 ARA gala (assuming it is local), for a cost comparable to the current year's gala tickets, Marty moved, no second, motion withdrawn
      6. Janet made an alternative suggestion that we consider sending the Volunteer of the Year to the RRCA Annual Convention, with expenses partially covered by the club, which was done in the past.  No motion was entertained at this point.  The Board agreed to look at the overall rewards given club awardees (including Volunteer of the Year) at a future meeting.
    4. AED Program
      1. Terry Adirim is no longer able to lead this program. We need a new champion of the AED program.
      2. We need to find a doctor in the club who is willing to have the AED registered to them. Either this person will champion the program or we find another champion.
      3. Craig also raised the issue of how to handle assignment of AED responders. One possibility is to ask the race directors.
      4. ACTION ITEM: Craig will get list of AED responders and will solicit a champion.
      5. ACTION ITEM: Jean will work on identifying the doctors in the club.
  1. Announcements
    1. Marty will be unable to attend the next Board meeting on July 1
  1. Closure
    1. Reviewed Action Items:
      1. Gary will revise May minutes and send to Board members for approval
      2. Gary will send a signed copy of the revised May meeting minutes indicating John's credit limit can be increased to Christina
      3. Christina will address old action item of how postage is accounted for in our prepaid postage account
      4. Jean will talk with Irv who will talk with Rick Nealis about a booth at MCM
      5. Marty will talk with Richard Stukey about promotional activities for the club tying in to marketing of the book
      6. Christina will talk with a subgroup of the Tuesday-Thursday running group about the possibility of coordinating the Awards Dinner
      7. Board members to suggest items to be put on the 2005 Calendar, and to discuss any changes in club races with George
      8. Craig will talk with George about selecting a race (either existing or new) to be made into a handicap race for 2005
      9. Board members to send comments to Craig about apportionment categories (this is a continuation of previous Board meeting action item)
      10. Marty will investigate ways of working with the Middle School Track Challenge in the future
      11. Put on agenda for next meeting what constitutes club sponsorship
      12. Janet will check on a new sound system
      13. Janet will check with Lyman and the city regarding lightweight scaffolding for finish line
      14. Jean will investigate purchasing of additional vests
      15. Janet will look into repair of clocks
      16. Marty will investigate following up with ARA on opportunities to work with them
      17. Jim Rich will follow up on the possibility of our assisting the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services’ new Small Steps Program. 
      18. Craig will get list of AED responders and will solicit a champion from them.
      19. Jean will work on identifying the doctors in the club. 
    2. Motions Passed:
      1. MOTION: Purchase 50 copies of the book from the printer for Frank to store and have available for selling events, Marty moved, Jim seconded, unanimous
      2. MOTION: Wording in “Club Business” on website should be changed to say "posted minutes are last approved minutes" (or something to that effect) instead of "minutes from the last meeting". Gary moved, Jean seconded, unanimous
      3. MOTION: Officially authorize posting race results from the 2005 Middle School Track Challenge, Marty moved, Bill seconded, unanimous
    3. Next Board Meeting: The next meeting is July 1, 2004, at 6:30 PM at 101 Maryland Avenue, Rockville.

 Meeting adjourned at 10:49 PM.