Montgomery County Road Runners Club
Minutes of Board Of Directors Meeting
Meeting of February 5, 2004

Called to order: 6:58 PM
Present: Jean Arthur,Jodi Finkelstein, Anna Hays, Marty Horan, Corinne Moriatis, Gary Resnick, Jim Rich, Bill Riggs, Craig Roodenburg

Invited Guests: Jay Wind and Liza Recto

A. Review Agenda

B. Review Current MCRRC Calendar

  1. Upcoming Race: Country Road Race 5 M and RRCA 10 Mile

C. Minutes

Minutes of the regular board meeting on January 8, 2004, were approved.

D. Business Involving Invited Guest

  1. Jay Wind and Liza Recto: Arlington Marathon { this race has since been canceled}

    Jay and Liza came to provide some information about their plans for the Arlington Marathon. This marathon is being put on by a coalition of area running clubs, with Arlington Running Club taking the lead. Jay is the race director. They indicated that the marathon is already full (250 participants) and that they have several volunteers already, including all those necessary to man the 66 points of entry to the course. They also plan to put on a 5 km race and a track meet during the marathon. The marathon would end on the track in the outside lanes while the track meet is taking place on the inside lanes.

    They asked for our help in three areas:

    • Wants MCRRC to be a supporting club. We could show our support in any number of ways (providing volunteers, providing equipment, etc.), but first and foremost they would like us to write a letter of support. As a supporting club, club members could get a $10 discount off the entry fee. Jay indicated that they could accept a few more entries even though the race is full because they expect some registrants not to show up. If club members are already registered, they can get $10 back.

      After some discussion concerning the implications of supporting this marathon, including concern that support for Jay Wind on this project could imply support for him in relation to a future DC Marathon (it was decided support of one did not imply support of the other), the Board voted to write the letter of support and direct the letter to the Arlington County Board (6 for, 2 against, 1 abstained). Corinne volunteered to draft the letter.

    • Wants to use 100 of our cones. The Board informed him of our policy concerning cone rental and directed him to the appropriate people within the club.

    • Wants MCRRC to put on the track meet because of our past success with such meets. The Board indicated that those people within the club with experience in these types of events would be approached to see if anyone was interested in volunteering to direct the meet and that RMS would also be approached but that the Board could not make any commitments at this time.

E. Treasurer's Report

  1. Account Detail (as of January 31, 2004)
    a. Checking Account: $5,784.55
    b. Savings Account: $36,657.18
    c. Merrill Lynch Account: $21,334.40

  2. Marathon in the Parks
    a. Checking: $14,509.71
    b. Savings: $6,800.88

  3. Pikes Peek
    Information not available

  4. January Financial Information
    a. -The January financial statements indicate that we spent more than we took in. This is fairly typical for the income and expense activities at this time of year. We usually expend the entire budget for the Awards Party and Recognition Awards at this time of year, and our income sources are limited much more than during later periods. One thing to note when looking at the Budget vs. Actual report is that the budget divides the yearly amount by 12, so it appears that we're under budget in several categories. In reality, we don't expect income from these sources at this time.
    b. Another thing to note that varies from the previous Treasurer's report is the amounts in our checking savings account. I mistakenly overstated the checking account because deposits that were made into the savings account were credited to the checking account. This has been corrected, and the actual numbers appear above. The only significant change is that it will reduce the amount we place towards the reserve fund. When that amount is determined, I'll notify the Board.

F. Apportionment/Committee Reports

  1. IlluniNITE Jacket Report
    The jackets are at the embroiderer. U.S. distributor of IllumiNITE expressed an interest in working with MCRRC further.
    (On a related note, the sample items from the National Running Center are also at the embroiderer.)

  2. Lifetime Achievement Award Selection Process
    Several Board members expressed dissatisfaction with the way the selection process for this award worked this year. Many suggestions were made, including inviting past winners to join a committee to choose future winners. Some members of the Board did not want to give an award that saddles the winner with future work. The Board did decide that nominations must be written, listing the nominees achievements, and must be received in advance. The Board is considering creating a form for nominations.

    Some questions were raised about the original selection process. For example, why can only one ballot be cast? What is "unanimous"? Is it the entire Board or only those members in attendance at the meeting? If it is the entire Board, how do the absentees vote? Etc. Anna will search through past minutes for initial discussions and policies concerning this award.

  3. Volunteer of the Year Award Criteria
    One Board member expressed surprise and concern that no volunteer of the year award was given this year, feeling that this was tantamount to not having a Race Director of the Year or a Runner of the Year. It was suggested that not giving the award out every year made it more valuable. It was explained that the several winners of the Volunteer Service Award this year were felt to have contributed equally well and that it would have been unfair to choose one above all the others. It was also explained that not one nomination for this award was received from club members not on the Board and dismay was expressed at the apparent apathy.

    A motion was made that the Volunteer of the Year Award be given each year. The motion was defeated (2 for, 5 against, 2 abstained)

  4. Pike's Peek
    John Sissala requested that a change be made to the bylaws so that checks drawn on the accounts of major races (i.e., Pike's Peek and Marathon in the Parks) have either (1) the signature of two Board officers or (2) the signature of one Board officer and the signature of either the Race Director or Race Treasurer. The Board voted to put forward this change to the bylaws. Jean is checking to see how far in advance of the annual meeting this proposed change must be presented to the club.

  5. Cost of Lights at Richard Montgomery High School (RMHS)
    Rockville has to cut its budget by 1%. The city has asked that MCRRC make a $1000 contribution toward the cost of the lights for Wednesday track workouts. Currently, we put on the summer track meets (for a small fee) in return for the city's providing the lights at the school for us.

    Several questions were raised: Are other groups being asked for such a contribution? Will there be a track to run on (construction, centered at the track and scheduled to last 2 years, is supposed to start at RMHS in July)? What about waiving our fee for the track meets instead? Jean will be talking to the city to find out the answers to these questions.

    This topic brought up two other concerns: (1) whatever happened to the $1000 MCRRC gave to Montgomery College to resurface the track? Jean will follow up on this. (2) Where will we run while construction is taking place at RMHS? Jean indicated that several club members are already working on this.

G. Unfinished Business

1. Craig passed around an outline of a Board calendar for comment and suggestions.

H. New Business

  1. Future Board meeting location
    That's Amore on Rockville Pike is no longer a feasible meeting location. The manager is reluctant to set up a room for us for the little money he gets in return. He is willing to provide a corner table or the table between the fireplaces, but these are not practical for good discussion.

    Jean suggested that the Board could meet at a conference room in her office building (101 Maryland Avenue, Rockville). It is near the metro and usually would be free; it would be $30 if MCRRC had to book it. The Board approved this idea.

  2. Investment of Reserve Fund
    Corinne suggested that we need advice about where/how to invest the reserve fund. The current Board is not opposed to investing some of our reserve fund in longer-term, interest-earning "machines". Bill volunteered to follow up with a club member who is an investment expert

I. Announcements

  1. Jodi announced that she had won breakfast with "Eliot in the Morning" at the silent auction at the MCRRC Holiday Party. She should be on soon and hopes to plug the club.
  2. Jim has gotten complaints about the amount of food available at the Awards Dinner. The Board discussed why the party was not more popular (cost, too close to holiday party, weather, etc.) and made some suggestions for improving it (having a fun theme, moving it to spring, making it potluck since the Holiday Party is no longer potluck). The Board will follow up with this discussion in April.

J. Closure

  1. Reviewed action items.
  2. The next meeting is March 4, 2004, at 6:30 PM at 101 Maryland Avenue, Rockville. Marty volunteered to bring food, and Jim volunteered to bring drinks.
  3. Meeting adjourned at 9:44 PM.