Montgomery County Road Runners Club

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting of August 4, 2005


Called to order: 7:20 pm


Present: Jean Arthur, Craig Roodenburg, Christina Kichula, Gary Resnick, Susan Gagnon, Janet Newburgh, Cathy Blessing, Sethiya Renwick, Dave Haaga,


Minutes Prepared By: Gary Resnick, Secretary


1.      Review Agenda

a)         No new items


2.      Review MCRRC Calendar

a)         August 2: Take Back the Night

b)         August 5: Go for Glory Track Meet  

c)         August 14: Comus Cross-Country Run


3.      Minutes of the Previous Meeting

a)         There was considerable discussion regarding item 7h. New information has emerged indicating that the SignmeupSports fees have not increased

i)               Motion: Amend the minutes to reflect that no motion was submitted regarding payment of membership fees because the fees have not increased, based on new information, Dave moved, Craig seconded, unanimous   

b)         Motion to accept amended minutes, Cathy moved, Jean seconded, 8 for, 1 abstention  


4.      Treasurer's Report

a)         MCRRC Account Detail: The total cash in MCRRC accounts, as of July 30 (not including Marathon in the Parks, Pike’s Peek, and HYR accounts) was the following:

i)               Checking                         $21,744.32                   

ii)              Savings                            $29,263.80

iii)            Savings – Clubhouse         $5,806.15

iv)            Legg Mason                     $26,341.57

v)             TOTAL Bank Accounts                                       $83,155.84

b)         Other Assets (CDs)                                                   $15,000.00

c)         Marathon in the Parks Bank Accounts (as of May 1, 2005):

i)               Checking                         $13,166.38

ii)              Savings                            $2,862.13

iii)            TOTAL Bank Accounts                                       $16,028.51

d)         Pikes Peek Bank Accounts     (as of August 3, 2005):

i)               Checking                     $7,403.69

ii)              Savings                        $2,043.19

iii)            TOTAL Bank Accounts                                       $9,446.88

e)         HYR Bank Account (as of January 4, 2005):

i)               Checking                         $7,747.69

ii)              TOTAL Bank Accounts                                       $7,747.69

f)          July Financial Information:

i)               The July financial statements indicate a net income of $9,305.76.  In addition, there were deposits of $9577.55 that have not yet been recorded (no information available for distribution, probably a good deal is membership and XMP).  Significant income was received from:

·              Pikes Peek    $14,000.00

·              Membership dues       $1,785.00

·              Run for Roses           $1,639.43

ii)              Significant expenses included:

·              New equipment (sound system & truck cart)   $2,586.10

·              Smarter Running        $1,274.40

·              Payroll          $1,141.80

·              Community Outreach $550.00

g)         Budget Items:

i)               Stride Clinic income - $18 – Sign-me-up should be sending a check.

ii)              We are now significantly over budget for new equipment.  After paying for the new sound system (check mailed 7/1) and the new computers, we have spent $4,725.46 on new equipment.  We should carefully consider new purchases for the remainder of the year.  In addition, we have paid over $700 for the shed clean-up.

iii)            We did receive $2000 more than expected from HYR and $6000 more than expected from Pike’s Peek. 

h)         Old Financial Action Items:

i)               Prepare for end of year reconciliation and upcoming tax filings. – completed

ii)              Transfer $10,000 plus cone money into Legg Mason account. – In-process, Legg Mason has not yet credited our account

iii)            Discuss fees assessed by Sign-Me-Up Sports with Phil Quinn: Mary found out that the SignMeUp Sports fees have not changed, and we were refunded some money

i)           New Financial Action Items: None

j)           Motion to accept Treasurer's Report: Janet moved, Craig seconded


5.      Unfinished Business

a)         Review Action Items from July, 2005 board meeting

i)               Safety Notification System (0501-9c): Jean will talk with some of the retired national park police contacts - in process

·              Jean said that Montgomery County Police have crime reports on their web site that is public access information but it does not cover the parks, and the Park Police do not publish crime reports anywhere

ii)              Membership Renewal (0507-7b): Sethiya will look to see whether the current membership renewal form can be more prominently displayed

·              One suggestion was to put a button "For Members" or "Membership Renewal" on the front page

·              Sethiya noted that it takes a lot of clicks to get to the membership page, and she will try to make it easier for members to renew by making the page more prominent

iii)            Chi Running Group (0504-4c): Betty Smith will attend in September to present her chi-running plan to the Board

iv)            Membership Dues (0507-7h): The question arose as to whether the club should pass on the service fees associated with online membership renewal to club members or whether the club will continue to pick these fees up

·              Family membership fees cost $4 vs. $1.25 for single memberships, however, the fees have not increased

·              The Board agreed to keep the policy as is, which is that the club pays the fees for members renewing online

v)             Including runner ID tag order forms in new member packets (0507-7a): Gary will contact regarding discounts for club members (GR will also contact John Sissala about his contact in the company)

·              Sethiya talked with John Sissala who said that we should not be promoting a private venture, and that the company was difficult to work with

·              The Board agrees to drop this idea


6.      Report on DCRRC Handicapped 4-mile race

i)               Dave reported on how DCRRC conducted the handicapped race

·              Time increments were posted

·              Last group left the start 18 minutes 44 seconds later

·              Groups run together and some of the later groups that are faster are running down the slower groups

·              At the finish participants are closer together but there was still a good spread (144 finishers)

·              Posted clock and net times as well as handicap group

·              First person across the finish is the winner

·              Start time is based on the time for a 75% age graded result for that age group

·              There was a table of prizes, so that those who finished first got their choice of award

·              Discussion ensued about how the club can adopt this type of race, suggestion was to include both net times as well as handicap times, and possible race dates, such as using existing races, although no race was identified as a potential candidate

·              Suggestion was to consider a handicap race when the Board discusses the 2006 race calendar


7.      New Business

a)         Club members making purchases without board permission

i)               Issue was that a member bought a piece of equipment without authorization

ii)              The purchase was charged on the Pike's Peek account and has already been paid by the club

iii)            Previous Board minutes indicated this was a low priority equipment item and the Board had explicitly refused to authorize this purchase

iv)            An important issue: Race directors need authorized budgets (this was an issue from last year but nothing was done) - this will be tabled for the upcoming yearly budget planning meeting

v)             Action Item: Christina will prepare a spreadsheet of expenditures for club low key races

vi)            There needs to be a new policy regarding capital purchases, that is consistent with current policy regarding signing checks (requires two Board officers for amounts over $100)

vii)          Motion: Any purchase for the club above $100 must have prior authorization from the appropriate Board member responsible for the area or from the Club Race coordinator or the Director of a major race The Board reserves the right not to reimburse for any purchase regardless of the amount if it has not been pre-authorized. Craig moved, Cathy seconded, unanimous

viii)         Motion: The Board should ask Pike's Peek to return the payment that the club paid for the cart. Craig moved, Gary seconded, 2 in favor, 7 against, motion fails

ix)            Motion: The Board will send a letter of instruction to the club member responsible for making a recent un-authorized purchase, Craig moved, Dave seconded, unanimous

b)         Charging team members 1/2 cost of entry into Chicago Marathon

i)               The team fee payment is quite high, $25 on top of the individual entry fee, and we are spending a large portion of the team racing budget on the Chicago marathon

ii)              We pay a similar amount for the Columbia race but it affects a wider range of club members

iii)            Suggestion was that, for this year’s Chicago (2005) we will keep the arrangement the same since many members have already signed up for the team, but we should change it for the following year (2006) and thereafter

iv)            Motion: The Board approves that club members pay for 1/2 the team fee, or $12.50 of the $25 (at current rates or half of whatever the rates become) with the team coordinator being responsible for collecting the amount from members, to take effect for Chicago Marathon 2006, the current arrangement stays for the 2005 race whereby the club pays the entire entry fee, Craig moved, Susan seconded, unanimous

c)         Waiving membership requirement for Potomac Community Resources to participate in Smarter Running/Best Foot Forward

i)               This is a group of individuals with special needs who participate in the Smarter Running program

ii)              Eight individuals are not covered within families for club membership

iii)            Potomac Community Resources asked if we set a "corporate" or group rate for these individuals

iv)            Issue is that we need to set some parameters for approving groups to obtain this rate, perhaps only for non-profit organizations

v)             Motion: That the club waive the membership requirement for Best Foot Forward for individuals associated with Potomac Community Resources for 2005, but these participants or their legal guardians are still required to sign the waiver of liability, Gary moved, jean seconded, unanimous

d)         Donation to “Take Back the Night”

i)               This race started as a result of the national Take Back the night organization. They asked the club to help with the expenses incurred with putting on the race because their expenses have increased.

ii)              Motion: The Board agrees to donate $200 to the Olney Take Back the Night, Janet moved, Cathy seconded, unanimous

e)         Request for donation from Joe Aukward

i)               Jean read a letter forwarded from Joe, congratulating him for qualifying for the 2005 Pan American Games for disabled athletes

ii)              Joe is asking the club to donate money to help him attend the Games

iii)            The Board agreed to not give this time since we donated money last year, but will consider future requests from Joe

f)          Fundraising for resurfacing the tracks

i)               Janet noted that both the Gaithersburg and Montgomery College tracks badly need resurfacing and suggested that MCRRC coordinate the donation of funds by club members toward the resurfacing of either or both of the tracks.  The club gave money in the past for the Montgomery College track but no work has yet been done on resurfacing.

ii)              Rather than the club donating more money, Janet suggests the club coordinate contributions from members, but only if and when track resurfacing actually begins to take place

iii)            Action Item: Janet will find out from Gaithersburg and Montgomery College about their plans to resurface the tracks

g)         Purchase of  4’ folding tables (5 @ $35 = $175)

i)               Phil Quinn asked the board to purchase five more folding table for the club

ii)              Motion: The Board approves purchasing five folding tables as per Phil Quinn's request, Jean moved, Janet seconded, unanimous

iii)            Action item: Craig will communicate Board motion to Phil with authorization to purchase the tables

h)         Drinkmore Water Sponsorship Agreement

i)               Drinkmore Water came up with a written proposal for the terms of their sponsorship of club events and George Tarrico, race coordinator, was looking for guidance from the Board about these terms, that is, whether we can live with the agreement

ii)              The sponsorship handout was passed around to Board members

iii)            There was a general sense it is not fully responsive to club needs for a number of reasons (e.g., race directors do not get prior confirmations about water deliveries until it is almost too late, and that they want exclusivity in sponsoring water for club events since in the case of Pikes Peek, some water is donated from other sources, although this not exactly the same type of water)

iv)            However, there were some extenuating circumstances regarding the late notification of water delivery to races, and the manager has apologized, but it is more difficult to get the water in their new location

v)             Jean sent emails to Drink More describing ways that the club can help to advertise, but they have not provided ad content for the Rundown, etc. or provided flyers, although an ad or logo has been on the club web site

vi)            The sponsorship agreement asks for the club to do what we are already providing to sponsors, so there is no additional burden to the club

vii)          It is also noted that the club does pay for water from Drink More, in addition to their providing free water in other races, and even when we do pay we give them full sponsor benefits

viii)         The Board reiterated the club policy not to give its mailing list to commercial enterprises (previously DrinkMore asked to buy the mailing list)

ix)            The Board agrees with the terms of the sponsorship agreement

i)           Changing from Keyed to Combination Locks for the Storage Sheds

i)               There has been interest on the part of some club members to change the locks on the storage lockers from keyed to combination

ii)              While combination locks have their advantages, there are increased problems with security, and with knowing who has access to the lockers

iii)            The Board considered the pros and cons and decided that the advantages of switching to combination locks did not sufficiently outweigh the disadvantages

iv)            Motion: The Board agrees that key locks remain on the club sheds and that no combination locks be installed, Craig moved, Jean seconded, unanimous           


8.      Announcements

a)         There were no announcements


9.      Closure

a)         Review Action Items

i)               Christina will prepare a spreadsheet of expenditures for club low key races

ii)              Fundraising for resurfacing the tracks: Janet will find out from Gaithersburg and Montgomery College about their plans to resurface the tracks

iii)            Purchase of folding tables: Craig will communicate Board motion to Phil with authorization to purchase the tables

b)         Motions Passed

i)               Equipment Purchases: Any purchase for the club above $100 must have prior authorization from the appropriate Board member responsible for the area or from the Club Race coordinator or the Director of a major race The Board reserves the right not to reimburse for any purchase regardless of the amount if it has not been pre-authorized.

ii)              The Board will send a letter of instruction to the club member responsible for making a recent un-authorized purchase

iii)            Charging team members 1/2 cost of entry into Chicago Marathon: The Board approves that club members pay for 1/2 the team fee, or $12.50 of the $25 (at current rates or half of whatever the rates become) with the team coordinator being responsible for collecting the amount from members, to take effect for Chicago Marathon 2006 (the current arrangement stays for the 2005 race whereby the club pays the entire entry fee).

iv)            Waiving membership requirement for Potomac Community Resources: That the club waive the membership requirement for Best Food Forward for individuals associated with Potomac Community Resources for 2005, but these participants or their legal guardians are still required to sign the waiver of liability

v)             Donation to “Take Back the Night” organization in Olney: The Board agrees to donate $200 to the Olney Take Back the Night

vi)            Changing from Keyed to Combination Locks for the Storage Sheds: The Board agrees that key locks remain on the club sheds and that no combination locks be installed

c)         Review Plans for September Meeting

i)               Next meeting is September 1, 2005, 6:30 pm, at 100 Maryland Ave, 5th Floor conference room.

ii)              Susan offered to bring food


Meeting Adjourned:  10:20 pm




Gary Resnick Secretary, Montgomery County Road Runners Club