Montgomery County Road Runners Club

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting of October 5, 2006


Called to order: 7:15 pm


Present: Craig Roodenburg (President), Dave Haaga (Vice−President), Sethiya Renwick (Treasurer), Gary Resnick (Secretary), Cathy Blessing (Member at Large), Jim Farkas (Member at Large), Jean Arthur (Member at Large), Chris Richey (Member at Large)


Invited Guests: Kimberly Price (Darcars Young Run), George Tarrico (2007 race schedule)


Minutes Prepared By: Gary Resnick, Secretary


1.      Review Agenda

a)      Add to New Business:

i)           mile markers

ii)         RMS discussion

2.      Business Involving Invited Guests

a)      Kimberly Price (Darcars Young Run)

i)           Gave an update on the race; did not give enough money back to the club last year, so she has a larger check now to give back to the club

ii)         This year, MCPS is limiting the number of non-school event flyers going home with the kids, so the Physical Education Department required approval from all the school principals before allowing the flyers to go out, this took a lot of time, as a result flyers did not get to the kids until just 2 wks ago, right now about 200 registrations behind last year's rate and the volume is down, looks we will have fewer this year, maybe only 2,000 runners and, as a result, fewer t-shirt sales

iii)        After making a donation to Rockville we will probably just break even for the race, with not much money going back to the club

iv)       New this year is that we are offering registration at packet pickup so we may recover by race start

v)         Kimberly was approached by Voice of America in Indonesia for them to come to the race to film it and to interview parents and runners (as well as Kimberly), she is asking the Board for permission, Board granted permission (by acclamation)  

b)      George Tarrico (2007 race schedule)

i)           George distributed a draft 2007 Race Calendar: The Board discussed the dates of club races as well as key dates for other large local-area races and gave George feedback. George will now confer with facilities and race directors to see which suggested revisions work best and will present a revised draft of the 2007 schedule to the Board prior to the next meeting, and then, following Board approval, to the membership when it is finalized.

3.      Review MCRRC Calendar

a)      Candy Cane City 5K (CS), Sat 10/14, 9am, Chevy Chase

b)      DARCARS Young Run (ages 12 and under) 1M (JP); .25 and .5 mile Young Runs, Sun 10/22, 9am, Rockville

4.      Minutes of the Previous Meeting

a)      Change the following items in the September minutes

i)           7a-ii "who pay specifically for a link" change to "certain RMS clients"

ii)         Item 7a-iii Remove words after quote (ending "to the club"), “change this criterion”

b)      Motion to accept minutes,  Jean moved, Chris seconded, unanimous (1 absent)

5.      Treasurer’s Report

a)      The total cash in MCRRC accounts, as of September 30 (not including Marathon in the Parks, Pike’s Peek, and DYR accounts) was the following:

i)           Checking (9223)                                                     $68,906.82    

ii)         Savings (6828)                                                       $10,123.43

iii)        Savings – Clubhouse (7652)                                    $ 5,842.62

iv)       Smith Barney                                                         $20,796.28

v)         TOTAL Bank Accounts                                                                 $105,669.15

b)      Other Assets (CDs)                                                                              $41,000.00

c)      Parks Half−Marathon (as of September 2006):

i)           Checking                                                               $20,904.30

ii)         Savings                                                                  $ 2,348.65

iii)        TOTAL Bank Accounts                                                                 $23.252.95

d)      Pikes Peek bank accounts (as of June 2006)

i)           Checking                                                               $3,800.48

ii)         TOTAL Bank Accounts                                                                 $3,800.48

e)      DYR bank account (as of September 2006)

i)           Checking                                                               $ 6,090.27

ii)         TOTAL Bank Accounts                                                                 $ 6,090.27

f)       Significant income was received from:

i)           Membership dues                                                   $ 3,220.00

ii)         RMS                                                                     $ 2,825.00

iii)        Pike’s Peek 10K                                                    $15,000.00

g)      Significant expenses included:

i)           Professional fees (taxes)                                        $ 1,466.25

ii)         Club race program (Riley’s/Comus)                        $ 1,272.33

h)      Old Financial Action Items:

i)           2005 tax preparation: Completed

i)        New Financial Item:

i)           Sethiya will purchase more CD's

j)        Motion to approve this month’s Treasurer’s Report, Gary moved, Cathy seconded, unanimous

6.      Unfinished Business

a)      Budget 2007 (0609−5h): Sethiya and Craig are working on it, they will have a draft prior to next month's meeting

b)      Request for Running Coach (0608-7a): Instead of an email group Cathy will setup a Yahoo Group

c)      CPR Class (0608-9c):  Jean will setup a CPR class for sometime in January, in process

d)      Club Clothing (0609−7c): Cathy talked with Priscilla and she is not doing it, so we need to find someone to coordinate the club clothing line at R&J, Jean volunteered,

i)           Action Item: Jean will talk with Kelly Scherf about ordering

e)      2007 Race Schedule (0609−7d): see “Invited Guest” item

7.      New Business

a)      Conflict of interest policy: Based on the Federal Sarbanes-Oxley bill, non-profit organizations are now required to adopt a conflict of interest policy, the National Council of Non-Profit Associations has a common conflict of interest policy which was passed around for Board members to view

i)           Motion: The Board approved use of the conflict of interest policy from the National Council of Non-Profit Associations, requiring all Board members to sign the form at the next Board meeting, Jim moved, Dave seconded, unanimous     

b)      Gaithersburg HS track lights (Cathy): question arose as to who pays for it, to ensure they are turned on for club programs, formal program is finished but weekly workouts still going on, we've paid in the past, typically $300-$400 for 9 months, which is far below the city rates

i)           Action Item: Jean will talk with Alan Roth about prior arrangement about the lights at Gaithersburg HS while Cathy will talk with Tom Brennan to see if he would move his speed development workout to Wooten HS (where lights are already covered)

c)      Mile Markers (Craig): We desperately need new cone top arrow signs as well as cone-top mile markers for the club races

i)           we have maxed out our equipment budget but not for consumables, where we probably have about $300 left after paying for the yellow tape

ii)         we need arrows more than mile markers for putting on top of cones, there are important for low key races

iii)        this issue was raised in the May meeting (see item 0605-8a) but the Board tabled the item until we had a better idea of how much we need to spend for other new equipment

iv)       Motion: The Board authorizes spending $300 on directional arrows and similar cone top signs, giving approval for Craig to do the purchase, Cathy moved, Jean seconded

v)         Action Item: Craig will order the cone-top arrows

d)      RMS Discussion: The question arose as to how decisions are made about which races to accept as RMS jobs and which not, particularly with respect to races we have worked in the past. One factor in making these decisions is the staff availability, and how the coordinator (Phil Quinn) can best estimate it for future races. The Board noted that Phil has been working particularly hard on RMS and this has provided a very important income stream for the club.

i)           The Board also noted that Chris is the Board liaison to the RMS activity and suggested that he should talk with Phil to see if he needs more support and to use this as an opportunity to discuss a succession plan with him (e.g. training someone to assist and ultimately split the work)

ii)         Action Item: Chris will talk with Phil about how the Board can support Phil and the RMS work

8.      Standing Items

a)      Strategic planning: a follow-up strategic planning meeting was held 9/25/06 to work on drafting a member survey, see “Business Between Meetings” below    

9.      Business Between Meetings

a)      Member survey: Gary gave a brief primer to the Board on conducting a survey, going through issues of sampling as well as survey design

b)      Overall subject areas of interest to survey were listed including: Runner Characteristics/Backgrounds, Participation in Club Programs, Volunteer Participation, Club Communication, and Future Directions/Recommendations.

i)           Action Item: Board members will give suggestions to Gary for questions to ask on the member survey and he will compile a draft survey

ii)         Action Item: Sethiya will check on web-based survey clients that could link with the club’s web site

10.  Announcements

a)      Received a thank you card from George for the flowers the club sent on the death of his mother

11.  Closure

a)      Action Items

i)           Budget 2007: Sethiya and Craig will present a draft budget at the next board meeting

ii)         Request for Running Coach:  Cathy will set up a Yahoo Group for club coaches

iii)        CPR Class: Jean will arrange for a class sometime in January

iv)       Club Clothing: Jean will talk with Kelly Scherf about ordering new clothing

v)         2007 Race Schedule: George Tarrico will present a revised 2007 race schedule prior to the next board meeting, for the Board to discuss at the meeting

vi)       Gaithersburg HS track lights: Jean will talk with Alan Roth about prior arrangement about the lights at Gaithersburg HS while Cathy will talk with Tom Brennan to see if he would move his speed development workout to Wooten HS (where lights are already covered)

vii)      Strategic Planning – Member Survey: Board members will give suggestions to Gary for questions to ask on the member survey and he will compile a draft survey, and, Sethiya will check on web-based survey clients that could link with the club’s web site

b)      Motions Passed (including motions by acclamation)

i)           The Board agreed that Kimberly Price could allow Voice of America Indonesia to film at the DYR, to talk with parents and children, and to interview her.

ii)         Conflict of interest policy:  The Board approved use of the conflict of interest policy from the National Council of Non-Profit Associations, requiring all Board members to sign the form at the next Board meeting

c)      Review Plans for Next Meeting:

i)           Next meeting is November 2, 2006 at 6:30 pm, at the Stella Werner Council Office Bldg, 5th Floor Conference Room, 100 Maryland Ave, 5th Floor conference room. Chris offered to bring food.


Meeting Adjourned: 10:00 pm



Respectfully Submitted,




Gary Resnick Secretary, Montgomery County Road Runners Club