2016-17 Board of Directors Slate & Awards Brunch

Dear Members,
With thanks to the Nominating Committee, I am pleased to present the slate of candidates selected as nominees for the 2016-17 MCRRC Board of Directors:
President – Don Shulman
Vice President – Mike Acuna
Secretary – Lori Kaleikau
Treasurer – Sri Rapaka
At-Large – Gretchen Bolton
At-Large – Jim Farkas
At-Large – Andrea Keane-Myers
At-Large – Nancy Joy Keller
At-Large – Cortney Sloan
The elections for the Board will take place at the Annual Meeting and Awards Brunch at the Golden Bull Restaurant, following the Piece of Cake race on March 20th.  This is a fun event where we conduct a little business, celebrate the achievements of our fellow runners and of course – eat cake!
We hope that you will join us for the festivities.  The doors open at 10:00am for coffee, a hot buffet breakfast around 10:15, and the program beginning at 10:30am. Attendance is free, but we do need a headcount so we ask that you RSVP online at http://www.imathlete.com/events/EventOverview.aspx?fEID=36435&z=1457611027775
As is tradition, club members who wish to bring a cake to celebrate the club’s birthday & enter the cake contest are welcome and encouraged to do so.  Just please e-mail office@mcrrc.org to let us know you plan to bring a cake.
Finally, I want to thank Becca Kinney and Doug Watt for their service on the Board of Directors. They have made fantastic contributions to the Board & we will certainly miss working with them.
We hope to see many of you on the 20th
Don Shulman
President, MCRRC